Greenfibres have just been part of an international communiqué to sign a commitment to use more sustainable cotton by 2025 – Greenfibres stood alongside Nike, Asos, H&M and others to be part of this commitment initiated by HRH The Prince of Wales and the International Sustainability Unit. The Soil Association policy Director Peter Meltchett said:
“We warmly welcomes the commitment of these companies to move to 100% sourcing of sustainable cotton by 2025. This is a significant moment and a demanding commitment to achieve existing standards – organic, Fairtrade, Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), Cotton Made in Africa and certified recycled cotton. While each of these standards delivers different outcomes, together, they form a strong foundation for improving cotton’s social and environmental sustainability across the industry. Many of the companies supporting the initiative have a considerable way to go, while others have already achieved the commitment. Blazing the sustainable cotton trail is Greenfibres, which has produced 100% organic cotton products for two decades.”
“Switching to organic cotton supports a way of farming that directly benefits both the local and global environment. Organic cotton farming has been proven to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water use and virtually eliminates the use of pesticides. Organic cotton farmers grow a variety of crops to minimise pests and diseases and to maintain healthy soils, which means farmers have the additional benefit of a more secure livelihood, and secure access to food. The FAO estimates that nearly 100 million rural families directly depend on cotton production, and a move to producing sustainable cotton will help change the lives of these families for the better.”1.
The event was attended by HRH The Prince of Wales and CEOs of many of the signing Companies. The intention is to grow the number of participating companies so that sustainable cotton becomes the norm and so that the multiple benefits of growing and using this fibre can be experienced by millions of people. Please ask for organic cotton wherever you shop!
1.) quote taken from the Soil Association Press Release